Benefits of smart sensors

Let’s start with what are smart sensors before we move onto the benefits of them. Smart sensors are devices that take all the input from any physical environment while using built-in compute resource in order to perform certain and specific functions once they detect any input and process the data before passing it on.
Smart sensors are made to have more accurate and automated collections of data with fewer mistakes amongst the recorded information. Smart sensors are devices for monitoring and controlling mechanisms in a large variety of scenarios and one of the most popular ones are smart home systems.

Here is a small list of the smart sensors that are available to incorporate in your smart home.
- Motion Sensors: These type of sensor can reliably detect any form of motion and brightness in the house and is also one of the most important sensors in the whole smart home. The motion sensor provides the user with information for useful features such as lighting, energy savings and alarm systems for the home.
- Glass Break Sensor: this type of sensor protects your smart home against burglary by alerting your security system if there has been any window or glass door smashed in a possible burglary attempt, alerting you and the local authorities at the time of the event.
- Door & Window Sensors: These sensors are very useful as they detect if you have left any doors or windows open when you leave home. When integrated with your smart home system, the Door & Window sensors can be used for a range of clever security as well as helping you save energy by detecting if any windows or doors were left open when the heating was turned on.
- Temperature and Humidity Sensors: These sensors are of great aid when you are looking to have the precise temperature and humidity measurements inside of the home.
- Water Sensors: The water sensor warns the user immediately from any leaking water thus helping the preventions of any major water damage in the house. The water sensor is a small device that can be placed anywhere in the house, the laundry room, the bathroom, anywhere you can think of that could potentially have a leak at any time.
- Smoke and CO Sensors: They operate by sending an alarm through the house and your smart home system to let you know of any CO leak or detect fire, it uses 16 different types of incorporated sensors that reliably detect smoke and issues a warning in emergency situations. With smart smoke measurements integrated to take into account the temperature fluctuations.
(It is important to point out that those are not all of the sensors available on the market but the more relevant ones)

1. Autonomous living
Smart Sensors are that particular ingredient that gives your house that unique smart technology vibe. Seeing that kind of autonomy from a house is one of the best benefits and features of this technology. Sensors are the best ally to make your smart house fit your lifestyle, plus its integration capabilities with other aspects of your home, like security, will assure that you´re making the best out of these solutions.
The majority of these sensors are designed to never get in the way of your home aesthetics, easy to cover up and small enough to be placed almost anywhere in the house.
2. Quick detection
Some smart sensors such as the Smoke & CO, Water and Motion sensors come with quick detection, meaning that these useful sensors could help you prevent emergencies at home.

3. More Efficiency
One of the most fascinating extras of smart sensors is that they actually help you save money and are eco-friendly. Smart Sensors decrease energy consumption levels and, since they're smart, they only use the functions needed at any given moment, otherwise, they do not consume unnecessary power.
4. Custom Alerts
Being able to communicate with your house through your mobile phone app will give you the power and satisfaction to avoid unnecessary alerts, by making the necessary adjustments from afar. This way your house will only alert you if, for instance, large objects are moving around, not every time a cat passes by. Now, if you wish to have a record of everything that moves near your residence, that can also be accomplished. It will alert you based on your preferences, so you are in control of everything and not get unnecessarily disturbed.
5. Enhanced Security
When we talk about smart home security, Smart Sensors are vital. These devices will keep an eye on everything inside/outside your house, ready to alert you the second something happens. We always think about theft as the only source of danger in a house but in reality, danger comes from more than being afraid of theft. Yes, burglars are a terrible fear, but so are gas/smoke/water leaks and Smart Sensors cover this and all other aspects with flawless quality.
Smart Sensors are key to any smart home security system. They are reliable, do not waste energy unnecessarily and most important, they are guardians of the things we can not see or perceive right away, and that's why they are a must to any home automation project. Still not sure on how to implement or start a smart home sensors project in your residence? Contact us for your home's solution.